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RJ Walker's Writing Portfolio

RJ walker is a playwright, poet, and interactive storyteller. He specializes in work that is immersive and collaborative. He has created stories for dream-like art exhibits, written plays that were performed in ghost towns, and published Alternate Reality Games that thrust adventure upon the ordinary world. RJ is an out-of-the box writer who blends mediums and discovers new ways to tell stories and emotionally engage audiences. 






Home of Truth Poster.jpg
Copy of HauntingIsYou_11x17_NoText.jpg
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Produces as an immersive, walk through theatrical experience. Audience members could follow the stories of multiple characters and solve ARG style mysteries to uncover real historical documents. Based on true events.


Produced by the Utah Arts Alliance in partnership with the Salt Lake Parks Department and performed in Allen Park, an abandoned neighborhood in Salt Lake City.



Full Length

An interactive play in which the audience act as ghosts that can posses the characters on stage. To do this, they donate money to a local charity to change the on-stage action.


Produced by Lords of Misrule Theatre Company in Salt Lake City



Full Length

A scene from Court of Hearts, interactive Alice in Wonderland. 

This is a reimagining of the iconic Tea Party Scene from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Like The Haunting is You, the audience has control over how the actors must perform. 

Produced by Lords of Misrule Theatre Company in Salt Lake City







Games and Interactive Fiction










Xristy Portrait.png

Interactive fiction with simple puzzles. 
In this Sci-Fi comedy, you'll find yourself knowing too much about someone who knew too much.

An interactive, collaborative poem. Fully online, you can contribute to the poem by making selections from a word bank. The result is a surreal collective dream.

Could take a minute to load if it hasn't been played by anybody in a while.

The Game Design Document for On My Way Home, an ARG that sends players on an adventure through Salt Lake City to learn about LGBTQ historical figures and sites.


Game commissioned by Utah Humanities. A Free copy of the game is available HERE




Shopping Cart
Grandpa Santa

A short screenplay with very little dialogue. The story follows a man purchasing items at a local Walmart. What he plans to do with these items is anybody's guess. 



A Short, dialogue heavy screenplay set in one location. When Covid-19 hits the North Pole, 2 neurotic elves must save Christmas remotely.



A screenplay for a pilot episode of television adapted from my full length play of the same title. 




Thank god, you found me. I'm a deleted poem. I guess he thought he came up with more impressive stuff than me. Personally, I think I'm an alright poem. Better than that stupid gamebook. Who is going to have time to play that? It's like a million pages. I'm interactive too... and stuff. I begged him not to delete me but he kept going on about "streamlining" and "rule of 3s"  and "killing darlings." Well, this Darling ain't goin' down so easily! I'm a survivor! It's one of my themes, you know, since I'm a break up poem.  He'll see, I'll be the talk of the literary town! I'll be the poem that makes him a laurate. Yeah! Some day he'll see! He'll want me back! Anyway, if you're interested, here's where you can read me. Go on. Click. I'm underlined, what are you waiting for. Click away. And then, when you see how great I am, email that bastard RJ and tell him to put me back on the goddamn portfolio.

I got deleted                                                                                        from the   portfolio



but I'm still here...


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Quiet...   he'll find me                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I'm a mistake

RJ's Writing Portfolio: Work

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